Serving The Community

Volunteer and Missions
Skokie Central UMC members are active in the community – in service of their time, talents and gifts.
As a congregation, we are involved in the following programs thanks to the active and dedicated leadership of our Mission Committee and other members.
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Volunteer times for our congregation will be posted in the calendar with information about meeting times and transportation arrangements.
Learn more at
Kids Above All
Donations are collected for school supplies and gifts.
Learn more at
Letters to Prisoners
Several members write letters of encouragement to prisoners
Niles Food Pantry
Donations are collected on the first Sunday of the month.
Learn more at
Ornaments of Joy
Members of the congregation purchase gifts for organizations such as Howard Area Community Center and donate funds to the Village of Skokie for gift cards for local families in need.
Promise of the Rainbow
Our largest mission fundraising effort of the year. A program of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church, each band of the rainbow represents a project – local, national or international – that helps the needy.
University Christain Ministry at Northwestern University
Providing a spiritual home for Northwestern University students. Skokie Central UMC members serve on the UCM Board, contribute to their ministry, prepare the students a Sunday dinner on an occasion, and join them for an Easter morning sunrise service on Lake Michigan
Learn more at