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Children and Youth Ministries

Young people are our future and those who have grown up in the church often become its leaders or go on to lead in other faith communities. Skokie Central UMC is a great place for young people to start their faith journeys and grow into leaders.
All young people are welcome at Skokie Central United Methodist Church and are included in services, celebrations, and programs.
Children and youth serve up pancakes as Boy Scouts, plant trees and flowers, decorate for the holidays, and share their talents, faith, enthusiasm, and joy in many other ways.
Young people may also participate at the 10:30 Sunday service as ushers or communion servers or readers. To serve communion, speak with Rev. Biel. To usher, speak with the head usher.
Boy Scout Troop 72
Meets every Wednesday from September to June from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Log Cabin. This very active troop has been gathering at Skokie Central UMC since 1955. For more information, email them at
Youth Group
Youth Group was meeting twice a month on Sunday evening from 7-8 PM in the Log Cabin. They enjoyed a variety of activities. The Youth Group will resume when we are back together.
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
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